Thursday, June 28, 2012

Parent Notice 062812

The following email was sent to parents on 6/28/12. If you did not receive this email and would like to be included in the list, please let us know by sending us an email

Dear Parents,

Here is an overview of what to expect for our Summer VBS 2012.
As our Summer VBS gets started our blog will be updated with the latest information so keep checking.

Call for Volunteers!
We need volunteers in 2 areas:
1) Lunch: To help make and serve daily lunches to students.  (10A-1PM)  Sign-up Sheet is available on our blog and email our office to sign-up for a time slot
2) Drivers with minivans or cars that can accommodate carseats.  Our Nursery, Pre-K and Kinder classes will be going on a total of 4 outings.  These outings are less than 3 miles away but we need enough cars to transport our 40 little ones from 3-5 years.  When the dates are finalized we will be sending out another notice.  So, please let us know if and when you will be available to help us keep our little ones safe.

First Day (7/2/12)
Regular VBS Hours: 8:30 AM-3:00 PM
All Grades 1-7 to cafeteria in Lower Level
All Nursery-Kindergarten to classrooms (Kindergarten Room 201; Pre-K 101; Nursery 103)
Parent Orientation in Main Sanctuary: 8:30 AM-9:15 AM (Nursery-Kinder Parents will be asked to stay for the latter part of the orientation)

What to Bring:
Nursery, Pre-K, Kinder
-Nap time essentials: blanket
-extra set of clothes
-Water bottle
-**Snacks (NO NUTS) (Please pack a simple snack for the 10:00 AM hour)
**Allergies:  There are students with the following allergies in the following classes:

-Kindergarten: Pine nuts, coconuts, apple, peach, cherry - Please practice caution when preparing your child’s snack
-Pre-K: eggs, nuts
-Nursery: none noted, but as always - no nuts
-No flip flops (closed-toe with heel enclosure, CROCS are acceptable)
Week 1 Activity: Friday Swimming @ Church.  Be sure to send appropriate swim gear (swimsuit, sunblock, towel, etc.)
Field Trips:  Each class will have a trip to the OT Library, 3 trips to Tumble Bees Playspace and 1 trip to the Hillsdale (Stonybrook) Swim Club.  Each of these days we ask that you leave your child safety seat with us.  If you can assist in driving that day, please let us know.

Grades 1-7
Things to Bring:
-General school supplies (pencil)
-water bottle
-Snacks (if your child needs it)
-No flip flops (closed-toe with heel enclosure, CROCS are acceptable)
-No electronic devices (cell phone use will not be permitted during VBS hours) Please call VBS Staff if necessary (Pastor Rana 213-500-3750; Pastor Paul 201-638-2507; Pastor In Young Oh 973-908-7605)
Week 1 Activity: Friday Bowling - Please bring socks.

If you ever have any questions, please feel free to email us at this email or call our VBS Pastoral Staff.
Pastor Rana 213-500-3750; Pastor Paul 201-638-2507; Pastor In Young Oh 973-908-7605

Thank you and see you soon!
Rana Park

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Lunch Volunteer Schedule

We need parents to help out with making and serving lunch throughout the 6-week Summer VBS.  If you are interested, please email us at with the day that you're available to help.
You will be needed from 9:30/10 AM that day to prep, cook and serve the lunch. Lunch ends at 12:30 PM.

Thank you so much for your support!
Palisades Summer VBS Staff

*Please email us at with the dates you'd like to volunteer.