Tuesday, July 31, 2012



Where is the time going? It's all going by so fast! Our staff can all agree in that we are truly blessed to grow our friendships with each of your wonderful children! In our week left, we will continue to love and grow them in God! 

I have some important notes regarding our Mountain Creek Field Trip on Friday August 3, 2012. 

If your children will be attending the trip this friday, 

1. Please bring a bathing suit, towel, sunscreen and a cold water bottle. 
2. We will be leaving promptly at 9:30AM to the Mountain Creek Water park. 
3. Please do NOT bring lunch. The students will be eating lunch at 12:30 at the water park. 
4. ***We will be staying at the park until 3:15PM. We will be arriving at the church between 4:30 and 5:00 pm ***

Lastly, if you are willing and would like to be a parent volunteer and come to the park with us, please let us know! 

If you have any questions for any of the above or these times conflict with your friday afternoon, please feel free to contact us at palisummerschool@gmail.com. You can also contact the pastors. 

Pastor Paul @ 201 638-2507 or hwangph@gmail.com 
Pastor Rana @ 213 500-3750 or ranap927@gmail.com

Monday, July 30, 2012

Week 3-4 Photo Review

As week 5 gets underway, it is a bit of a surprise that we only have 9 more days of Palisades VBS left. Time is going by pretty fast and I miss my students more and more each weekend that I don't get to see them. Personally, it has been great teaching my fourth graders, some students get the material and others simply need a little more guidance. Either way it has been a challenge worth facing and a reward always worth receiving, helping my students with their worksheets. Without further ado, here are some visual treats.

Visiting some other classes.

Our first outing for week 3 was a minor league baseball game.

It was a scorcher in terms of weather.

Due to rainy weather, we had movie day instead of swimming.

Which then led into games.

Last week, we went to play mini golf, the kids really enjoyed themselves!

Let's be honest, we've all played with the water from the little stream... Every mini golf course has one.


Jessica doesn't seem to want to give me a smile... I'll take this face too.

Extreme concentration.

Extreme concentration #2.

Last weeks field trip was at the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City.

Hope everyone has had a great start to the week! I myself am looking forward to another great week with my students!